Captioning The Word began in 1996 as an outreach to the deaf community in the small town of Milton, Ontario. Pat Gardiner, a court reporter and CTW's founder, became aware that people with hearing loss who wanted to attend church were basically shut out because they couldn't hear. She approached the pastor of her church, assembled a team of volunteer court reporters, and Captioning The Word was born.
The wider vision of Captioning The Word has always been to see church captioning expand across the country and beyond, so that all persons with a hearing loss will be able to attend a church service and "hear" what is being said.
The purpose of this website is to share the wealth of experience we have accumulated on the subject of church captioning. Enjoy your visit!
"How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" (Romans 10:14) |